Brain gym – simple exercises for a better mind and body

Angelman Syndrome children need to be stimulated from a wide range of movement, arms and leg actions as well as providing mental activities. So it’s vital that you keep looking for inspiration to share with your children and keep bringing the world to their world.

Jane Alexander

A simple series of exercises could help your brain function better, making you sharper, smarter – and far more confident.  Brain Gym comprises very easy body movements which have been designed to coax the two hemispheres of the brain to work in synchronisation.

Apparently when our brains become balanced,  our whole bodies respond, revitalising our natural healing mechanisms, restoring health and harmony.   Brain Gym can do everything from speeding up your reading to boosting self-esteem.  It can improve your eyesight and even increase your creativity.   It gives you a cutting edge both in the office and in your personal life, improving communication skills, helping you make better decisions and even giving you a boost when you’re facing rejection or disappointment.

Brain Gym is the practical self-help side of Educational Kinesiology, a system which developed out of work with dyslexia and learning disabilities in children.  Researcher Dr Paul Dennison found that very…

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